01 Governance
02 Organization of System
03 Statements of Mission and Objectives
07 Ethics, Conflict of Interest
08 Civil Right Protections and Compliance
- (SAP) 08.01.01.M0.02 Pregnancy and Parenting Rights, Accommodations and Resources for Students
- 08.01.01.M1 Civil Rights Compliance
- (SAP) 08.01.01.M1.01 Investigation and Resolution of Allegations of Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and/or Complicity Against Students, Employees, and Third Parties
- (SAP) 08.01.02.M0.01 Reasonable Accommodation Requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Other Applicable State and Federal Laws
- 08.01.02.M0.02 Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and Other Animals on Campus
- (SAP) 08.01.02.M0.03 Animals on University Buses and Other Transit Vehicles
- 08.99.99.M1 Expressive Activity on Campus
09 Litigation and Administration
11 Centers, Degrees and Programs
- (SAP) 11.02.99.M0.01 Centers and Institutes
- 11.03.99.M1 Definition of a Credit Hour
- 11.07.99.M1 Awarding Honorary Doctorate Degrees
- 11.08.99.M1 Award of Posthumous Degrees
- (SAP) 11.99.99.M0.01 Curricular Processes
- (SAP) 11.99.99.M0.02 Substantive Change
- (SAP) 11.99.99.M0.03 Continuing Education Activities Conducted by the University
12 Faculty
- 12.01.99.M1 University Statement on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, Tenure and Promotion
- (SAP) 12.01.99.M1.01 Appointment, Evaluation, and Reappointment of Endowed Position Holders
- 12.03.99.M1 Faculty Teaching Workload Reporting
- 12.06.99.M1 Post-Tenure Review
- (SAP) 12.99.99.M0.01 Grievance and Appeal Process for Faculty Members
- (SAP) 12.99.99.M0.02 Faculty Participation in the Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Deans
- (SAP) 12.99.99.M0.03 Faculty Participation in the Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Department Heads
- (SAP) 12.99.99.M0.04 Faculty Employment Practices
- (SAP) 12.99.99.M0.05 Faculty Participation in the Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
13 Students
- (SAP) 13.02.99.M0.01 Student Records
- (SAP) 13.03.99.M0.01 Centralization of All Student Loan Funds Within the University
- (SAP) 13.03.99.M0.02 Scholarships & Financial Aid
- (SAP) 13.03.99.M0.03 Non-resident Tuition Waiver for Competitive Scholarship Recipients
- (SAP) 13.03.99.M0.04 Scholarships and Awards Program Coordination
- 13.04.99.M1 Student Travel
- (SAP) 13.04.99.M1.01 Student Travel Procedures
- 13.99.99.M2 Career Center
15 Research Programs
- (SAP) 15.01.01.M0.01 Administration of Sponsored Agreements
- (SAP) 15.01.01.M1.02 Residual Balances from Fixed Price Sponsored Agreements
- (SAP) 15.01.01.M1.03 Cost-Sharing Procedures
- 15.01.01.M5 Preparation, Review and Submission of Sponsored Project Proposals
- (SAP) 15.01.01.M5.01 Principal Investigator Eligibility on Sponsored Agreements
- 15.01.03.M1 Financial Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Research
- (SAP) 15.01.04.M0.01 Time and Effort Reporting
- (SAP) 15.02.99.M0.01 Technology Control Guidelines at TAMUQ
- 15.02.99.M1 Export Control Program Management
- (SAP) 15.02.99.M1.01 Export Control Screening of Personnel Actions & Request for Authorization for all Visitor Types at TAMUQ
- 15.05.04.M1 High Risk Global Engagements and High Risk International Collaborations
- 15.99.01.M1 Human Subjects in Research
- (SAP) 15.99.01.M1.01 Institutional Conflict of Interest in Human Subjects Research
- 15.99.03.M1 Ethics in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work
- (SAP) 15.99.03.M1.03 Responsible Stewardship of Research Data
- 15.99.06.M1 Use of Biohazardous Materials and Dual Use Research of Concern
- 15.99.07.M1 Use of Vertebrate Animals
- (SAP) 15.99.99.M0.01 Visiting Scholars , Remote Collaborators, and Other Access to Texas A&M University Research, Facilities and Resources
- (SAP) 15.99.99.M0.02 Conflict of Commitment
- (SAP) 15.99.99.M0.03 Precursor Chemicals and Specific Laboratory Apparatus
- (SAP) 15.99.99.M0.04 Responsible Conduct of Research
- (SAP) 15.99.99.M0.05 Compliance Requirements related to Sexual Harassment, Other Harassment and Sexual Assault for National Science Foundation Federal Funding Recipients
16 Privacy Compliance
- 16.01.02.M1 FERPA Compliance
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.01 Designation as a Hybrid Entity
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.02 Business Associates Agreement
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.03 HIPAA Training
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.04 HIPAA Compliance and Fundraising and Marketing Activities
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.05 Operational Audits and Risk Analysis
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.06 HIPAA Accounting of Disclosures
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.07 Notice of Privacy Practices
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.08 Minimum Use Necessary
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.09 Authorization for the Release of Protected Health Information
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.10 Patient Access to Protected Health Information
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.11 Request for Protected Health Information
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.12 Patient Request to Amend Protected Health Information
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.13 Privacy Complaints and Investigations Process
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.14 Personal Representative
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.15 Breach or Unauthorized Disclosure of Protected Health Information
- (SAP) 16.99.99.M0.16 Data Use Agreement
17 Intellectual Property
18 Athletics
21 General Finance
- (SAP) 21.01.01.M0.01 Accounting Procedures for Departmental Fiscal Record Keeping
- (SAP) 21.01.03.M0.01 Guidelines for the Use of Temporary Working Funds for Student Programs Conducted Outside the United States
- (SAP) 21.01.03.M0.02 Foreign Travel
- (SAP) 21.01.05.M0.01 University Service Departments
- (SAP) 21.01.08.M0.01 University-Owned Motor Vehicles
- (SAP) 21.05.01.M0.01 Gifts, Grants, Loans, and Bequests
- (SAP) 21.05.01.M0.02 Low-Threshold Contributions less than $250
- 21.99.04.M1 Lost, Found, Stolen or Abandoned Property
- (SAP) 21.99.09.M0.01 Temporary Tent or Canopy Installation on Campus
- (SAP) 21.99.09.M0.02 Sales, Solicitations and Commercial Advertising Via University Department or Organization Web Pages and E-Mail
- (SAP) 21.99.09.M0.03 Access to University Property for Sales and Solicitations
- (SAP) 21.99.99.M0.01 Electronic and Digital Signatures
22 Asset Management
23 Debt Management
24 Risk Management
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M0.02 Visitors in Hazardous Areas
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M0.03 Van Safety Procedures
- 24.01.01.M2 Hazard Communication
- 24.01.01.M3 Hazard Chemical Waste Management
- 24.01.01.M4 Environmental Health and Safety Programs
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M4.01 Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M4.02 Food Safety and Sanitation
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M4.04 Laboratory Decommissioning Procedure
- 24.01.01.M5 Radiological Safety
- 24.01.01.M7 Fire and Life Safety Compliance
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M7.01 Use of Pyrotechnics, Flame Effects, and Laser Light Shows
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M7.02 Restrictions on Candles
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M7.03 Safe Use of Outdoor Fires
- (SAP) 24.01.01.M7.04 Crowd Manager Program
- 24.01.06.M1 Campus Programs for Minors
- (SAP) 24.01.07.M0.01 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- (SAP) 24.01.99.M0.01 Use of Personal Electric Vehicles and other Wheeled Forms of Transportation
- (SAP) 24.01.99.M0.02 Enterprise Risk Management
- (SAP) 24.99.99.M0.01 University Utility Locate Procedure
- (SAP) 24.99.99.M0.02 External Client Events
- (SAP) 24.99.99.M0.03 Stormwater Management and Protection
25 Expenditure of Funds
- 25.06.01.M1 Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program
- (SAP) 25.06.01.M1.01 Historically Underutilized Business
- (SAP) 25.07.01.M1.01 President's Delegation of Authority for Contract Administration
- (SAP) 25.07.03.M0.04 Energy Risk Management Program
- 25.07.99.M1 Contract Administration
- (SAP) 25.99.09.M0.01 Communication Allowances
- (SAP) 25.99.99.M0.03 Procedures to Report Personal Use of University Sponsored Event Tickets Purchased with University Funds
26 Tuition and Fees
27 Financial Planning and Budgeting
28 Auxiliary Enterprise, Privatization, etc.
29 Information Resources
- (SAP) 29.01.01.M0.01 University Data Governance and Management
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.01 Information Resources - Security of Electronic Information Resources
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.02 Information Resources - Acceptable Use
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.03 Exceptions from Required Risk Mitigation Measures
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.04 Information Resources - Enterprise IT Services
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.05 Information Resources - Enterprise Data Centers
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.07 Information Resources - Enterprise Email Services
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.08 Information Resources - Network Access
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.09 Information Resources - Privacy
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.11 Information Resources - Project Management
- (SAP) 29.01.03.M0.13 Information Resources - Cloud Computing Services
- (SAP) 29.01.04.M0.02 Accessibility of Electronic and Information Resources
- (SAP) 29.01.04.M1.01 Web Accessibility and Usability Procedures (including Linking and Indexing)
- 29.01.99.M1 Information Resources
31 Compensation and Benefits
- 31.01.01.M7 Employee Compensation Administration
- (SAP) 31.01.01.M7.01 Salary Increases not Awarded Through the Budget Cycle
- (SAP) 31.01.01.M7.04 Hiring Salary Adjustments
- (SAP) 31.01.01.M7.05 Job-Related Skill Enhancement Pay
- (SAP) 31.01.01.M7.06 Temporary Salary Increases
- 31.01.08.M1 Merit Salary Increases
- (SAP) 31.01.99.M0.01 Taxation of Special Payments and Awards to Employees
- (SAP) 31.01.99.M0.02 Supplemental Compensation and Dual Employment
- (SAP) 31.01.99.M0.03 Relocation Allowance for Staff Positions
- (SAP) 31.02.13.M0.01 Wellness Release Time and Programs
- 31.05.01.M1 Faculty Consulting and/or External Professional Employment
- 31.08.01.M1 Staff Emeritus Status
- 31.08.01.M2 Faculty Emeritus Status
- (SAP) 31.99.99.M0.01 Workplace Lactation Program
32 Employee Relations
33 Employment, Standards of Conduct
- (SAP) 33.06.01.M0.01 Alternate Work Location for Non-Faculty Employees
- (SAP) 33.06.01.M0.02 Alternate Work Location - Faculty
- (SAP) 33.06.01.M0.03 International Alternate Work Locations
- (SAP) 33.99.03.M0.01 Performance Evaluations for Non-faculty Employees
- (SAP) 33.99.09.M0.01 Employment of Foreign Nationals
- (SAP) 33.99.12.M0.01 Employee Identification Cards
- 33.99.14.M1 Criminal History Record Information - Employees and Candidates for Employment
- (SAP) 33.99.14.M1.01 Criminal History Record Information - Non-faculty Employees and Applicants
- (SAP) 33.99.14.M1.02 Criminal History Record Information - Current Faculty and Faculty Applicants
- (SAP) 33.99.15.M0.01 Reduction in Force for Non-Faculty Employees
34 Safety of Employees and Students
- 34.02.01.M1 Substance Abuse Prevention
- 34.02.01.M2 Substance Abuse Prevention for DOT-Regulated Employees
- (SAP) 34.02.99.M2.01 Post-Accident Testing Instructions
- (SAP) 34.03.99.M0.01 Alcoholic Beverages
- 34.05.99.M1 Smoking and Tobacco Use
- (SAP) 34.06.01.M0.01 Purposes and Services of the University Police Department
- 34.06.02.M1 Carrying Concealed Handguns on Campus
- (SAP) 34.06.02.M1.01 Procedures for Implementation of Campus Carry
- (SAP) 34.07.01.M0.01 Reselling of Tickets on Campus
- (SAP) 34.07.99.M0.01 Prevention of Workplace Violence, Threats of Violence, and Response to Trauma
- (SAP) 34.07.99.M0.02 Bomb Threat Procedures
- (SAP) 34.99.99.M0.01 Slow Moving Vehicles
41 Real Estate Management
51 Facilities Planning and Construction
- (SAP) 51.04.01.M0.01 Procurement of Design and Construction Services for Minor Projects
- (SAP) 51.04.99.M0.01 Radio Antenna Installation on Campus Procedures
- (SAP) 51.05.99.M0.01 Visual Art
- (SAP) 51.06.99.M0.01 Naming of Buildings, Geographical Areas, and Academic Entities
- (SAP) 51.99.99.M0.01 Audiovisual Surveillance
- (SAP) 51.99.99.M0.02 Campus Signage