How to Read a Rule
How does the numbering system work?
The numbering system for System Policies, System Regulations, University Rules and University Standard Administrative Procedures (SAPs) has been designed to simplify references to each document as follows:

System Policies have four-digit numbers. The first two digits refer to the subject area (e.g. 01-governance). The second two digits identify the sequential number of the System Policy within that subject area (e.g. 01.01 System Policies and Regulations, and Member Rules and Procedures).
System Regulations have six digit numbers. The first four numbers indicate the System Policy which the System Regulation supplements, the last two digits indicate the sequential number of the System Regulation (e.g. 01.01.01 Format for System Policies and Regulations, and Member Rules).
- System Regulations that do not have a specific controlling System Policy, are to be numbered as follows:
- 01.99.01 (first two digits denote the general subject and the second two digits of “99” denote the absence of a specific controlling System Policy).
University Rules have six digits followed by an alphabetic character and a numeric digit. The first six digits identify which System Policies and System Regulations that are supplemented by the University Rule (e.g. 08.01.01.M1, Civil Rights Compliance). The following alphabetic character identifies the member associated with each rule:
- M – Texas A&M University
- University Rules that do not have a specific controlling System Policy or Regulation are numbered as follows:
- 01.99.99.M1 (first two digits denote the general subject, the second two digits of “99” denote the absence of a specific controlling System Policy, and the third two digits of “99” denote the absence of a System Regulation).
University SAPs are numbered to correspond with University Rules. SAPs have six numeric digits, an alphabetical character and a numeric digit plus two numeric digits (for purpose of this example we use a number sequence that corresponds with the above examples; however, there is not a SAP which actually occupies this number 01.01.01.M0.03).
- University SAPs that do not have a specific controlling University Rule are numbered as follows:
- 01.01.01.M0.03 (first two digits denote the general subject, the second two digits denote the controlling System Policy, the third two digits denote the controlling System Regulation, and the fourth two digits “M0” denote the absence of a University Rule).
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this website, please contact: Julie Kuder at 979-845-8116.